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Smartphone Security: Delete These Apps

Applications d'espionnage

Unmasking Apps That Spy on You

You view your smartphone as an indispensable tool. But are you aware that widely-used applications might be a threat to your privacy? We will provide you with useful information so you can assess the dangers and make informed decisions regarding your privacy.

CamScanner: A Hidden Danger

Ana Bera, a cybersecurity expert at Safe at Last, raises concerns about CamScanner, an app designed to emulate a scanner on your phone. She reveals that this app actually contains a malicious component acting as a Trojan horse that retrieves infected files. The dangers associated with such industrial espionage are frightening and can seriously damage your phone. It is therefore strongly recommended to uninstall this kind of application. Rest assured, once you have removed it, it is very unlikely that any damage will persist.

Beware of Weather Apps

Shayne Sherman, CEO de TechLoris, attire notre attention sur les applications météo. Plusieurs d’entre elles ont été incriminées pour dissimulation de chevaux de Troie ou autres malwares, des outils couramment utilisés dans l’espionnage industriel. Il est donc conseillé de faire preuve de prudence vis-à-vis de telles applications, en particulier «Good Weather» qui représente un risque majeur. Préférez consulter les prévisions locales et assurez-vous d’éliminer immédiatement cette application.

Facebook, the Data Collection Leader

We all enjoy our social networking apps. However, according to Raffi Jafari, a cybersecurity expert and co-founder of Caveni Digital Solutions, if you are looking to protect your information, the first culprit is Facebook. Its level of data collection is astonishingly high, often far more intrusive than large companies like Google. If you had to delete one app to protect your data, it would be Facebook.

WhatsApp, an App That Plays It Close to the Chest

Michael Covington, VP of product at Wandera, a mobile security specialist, draws our attention to WhatsApp, whose vulnerabilities were revealed earlier this year. Attacks can be targeted at users by simply sending a specially crafted message to their phone number. Once the attack is successful, hackers have access to all the features that WhatsApp has access to, including the microphone, camera, contact list, etc.

Instagram, Another Member of the Facebook Family

Comme WhatsApp, Instagram appartient à Facebook, ce qui fait de ces deux applications une menace potentielle en matière d’espionnage industriel. Dave Salisbury, directeur du Center for Cybersecurity and Data Intelligence de l’Université de Dayton, indique qu’Instagram «demande plusieurs autorisations qui incluent, entre autres, la lecture et la modification de vos contacts et du contenu de votre stockage, la localisation de votre téléphone, la lecture de votre journal d’appels, la modification des paramètres du système et l’accès total au réseau.»



In conclusion, it is crucial that smartphone users are aware of the potential risks in terms of industrial espionage and surveillance. Be vigilant in your usage and in detecting apps that could pose a threat to your privacy and security.

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